Living into our Anglican commitments to work towards reconciliation with First Peoples in Canada means being intentional in our relationship-building, advocacy, education and inclusive worship. Several important days provide an opportune time to emphasize this ministry.

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day
Month of June is National Indigenous History Month.

September 30 is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
October 1 is Treaty Day, marking the beginning of Mi’kmaq History Month (PEI & NS).

Here are some links to helpful resources:

Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI https://mcpei.ca/

Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-kina’muemk / Teaching About the Mi’kmaq (Debert, NS) https://www.mikmaweydebert.ca/sharing-our-stories/education-and-outreach/school-curriculum/


Remembrance Day

Every November,  we are grateful to the volunteers of our HOT CHOCOLATE TEAM for hosting this annual offering and also grateful to those who visited us after the Civil Ceremony on The Grand Parade.

Christmas (and Christmas Eve) On The Grand Parade

Every December,  we celebrate the season with the community during this fabulous musical event with candles and special lighting … usually to a FULL HOUSE!  In 2019, we added this event for a 2nd gathering at Christmas Eve (2 COTGPs) and it was such a success that we hope to do it from now on!

Please stay tuned for details on our 2023 Christmas events!