To request information from St. Paul’s Archival Records, please use this form: Request for Information 2019

Completed request forms can be emailed to ($25CDN fee per search)

For more information on the St. Paul’s Archives, please contact us by e-mailing the church office.


For more information on the Old Burying Ground please click here





For a Link to The Nova Scotia Archives:


St. Paul’s Historical Preservation Society  For information on the St. Paul’s Historical Preservation Society please contact the Parish Office.


Our Parish Archives Department has completed the latest renovations upstairs in our West Gallery.  Thank you to CANADIAN HERITAGE for the financial assistance required to manage the heavy costs of this much needed renovation.  Our Archives Department is run by a dedicated team of volunteers – documentation of not only our parish history, but the history of Halifax has remained safe and in existence due to the tireless efforts of these hard-working people.  Please contact our office if you have a sincere interest in joining our Archives Volunteers.

On January 29, 2023 … St. Paul’s celebrated not only the years of work of many dedicated Archives Team members but the morning Eucharist on this St. Paul’s Sunday service ended off with a delicious pot-luck Parish Lunch and a heart-felt ‘thank you’ to the Archives Chair Fiona Day upon her official retirement, as well as steadfast volunteer Tinker McKay for her invaluable time and efforts.  Invitations were mailed out in advance, to everyone we could think of who contributed in some way to the restructure and organization of the ARCHIVES, in hopes they would join us for this occasion.  Many who dedicated long hours to the cause were sadly no longer with us, but several others did attend.  Here are two of many photographs that were taken that morning at the Parish Lunch …

(Some of the more recent Archive Team Members below at the table [moving clockwise]:

Sandra MacLennan, Fiona Day, Lorraine Slopek, Tinker McKay, John McKay, Bill Doyle, Ross Evans)

(below) Receiving well-deserved gifts from the parish below are Tinker McKay and Fiona Day.  Also pictured are The Rev’d Canon Carolyn Tomlin and Isaac Grainger as well as The Rev’d Canon Dr. Paul Friesen, Rector.  Sr. Warden Patrick Hartling and Archives Volunteer Lily McCall were happily handing over the gifts.  It was a happy morning for all!